Do You Need a Certificate to Become a Medical Assistant?

Are you interested in joining the field of medicine but don’t have the time or resources to pursue your passion? Don’t fret since you aren’t the only person with this problem. 

Fortunately, you don’t have to give up on your dream just yet. There are other careers in the medical field that you can try out for, provided that you dedicate yourself to learning about these positions.

One example of such is a career as a medical assistant. Medical assistants work with medical specialists in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of various illnesses. People who work as medical assistants are tasked to perform a wide range of administrative and clinical duties, from documenting medical history to taking physical samples from patients.

How Does One Become a Medical Assistant?

Becoming a medical assistant is not as complicated as it may appear to be. You simply need to gather enough information about the profession and attend medical assistant training to ensure that you are prepared for whatever comes your way.

Medical assistant training can also give you an advantage in the field, considering that you know what it means to be a medical assistant due to the training and programs you will attend.

In addition, you may want to acquire certification from a medical assistant school. It’s true that most states don’t require medical assistants to receive certification, but being certified comes with a wide range of benefits.

What Are the Advantages of Being a Certified Medical Assistant?

Being a certified medical assistant is similar to becoming a licensed medical professional, so a few perks come with being certified.

For one, your chances of becoming a successful medical assistant are greatly increased.

Here are a few other reasons why you should consider becoming a certified medical assistant:

1. Employers Tend to Prefer Certified Individuals

When you’re looking for a job, you want to make sure that you can land the job in the first place. This is why it’s essential to have a certification for your chosen field—it can help you land a job, especially if the field is competitive.

Employers who prefer certified individuals are often bigger institutions, like hospitals and medical offices.

The certification will give them a sense of assurance that you are qualified and can provide them with the services they need and expect.

2. Certification Can Help You Advance in Your Career

Attending medical assistant school and acquiring a certificate isn’t a waste of time and money since you can use it to advance in your career.

For instance, your certification can help you land a job in a specialty area of medicine, like ophthalmology, pediatrics, and gynecology.

In other words, you don’t have to limit yourself to one area of medicine. Certification will allow you to be in different areas of medicine, depending on your preferences and your education.

3. Certification Often Leads to Better Pay

Though it’s true that certification isn’t necessary to land a job, it can help you receive a better salary.

Employers who pay for certification often do so because they know that you have to have a certain level of experience to become certified.

They also know that certification is a way to ensure that an employee has a qualified education in their chosen field.


Becoming a certified medical assistant is a great way to pursue your passion for the medical field. By attending a medical assistant program, you can boost your chances of working in the medical field and receiving a higher salary.

If you are interested in becoming a certified medical assistant, it may be good to check out a few medical assistant schools in your area. They can provide you with all the information you need to become certified in your area of medicine.

Northwest Suburban College is a medical assistant school near Schaumburg, IL. We offer training for aspiring medical assistants, pharmacists, and dental assistants. If you’re interested, do contact us to learn more about our programs.

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