A Higher Calling: Things to Know about Medical Assistants

Do you hear the call of a higher purpose? You can serve the public by joining the medical field if you do. Be warned that this will be a demanding journey and an expensive one.

If the idea of undertaking a heavy financial burden hinders you from joining the medical field, why not enroll in a medical assistant school? This option is considerably cheaper than other medical careers because you do not have to stay in school for several years. If you want to learn more about this profession, you should finish reading this article.

A Growing Profession

The job market has been growing tremendously in the medical field due to the increased demand for health care professionals worldwide. The Department of Labor and Statistics forecasts that medical jobs will increase by 16 percent from 2020 to 2030.

That number alone should inspire you to enroll in a medical assistant school. It will open several doors for you. 

What Are the Daily Responsibilities?

As a medical assistant, your daily responsibilities will differ depending on where you work but let us use a hospital as an example. Your primary responsibility is to assist your boss in treating patients and ensuring that they have a good stay at the hospital.

The following are just some of your responsibilities:

  • Ensuring that patients are comfortable
  • Giving injections
  • Taking vital signs 
  • Checking and updating a patient’s medical history
  • Recording patients’ medical data on the computer 
  • Taking x-rays
  • Administering medications
  • Taking out a urinalysis
  • Taking out blood samples
  • Taking out sutures
  • Cleaning wounds
  • Taping casts
  • Operating medical devices
  • Giving medications through feeding tubes
  • Recording patient’s pulse and blood pressure
  • Maintaining records on patients
  • Administering vaccinations

You will learn the technical aspects of your job during your medical assistant classes. However, you will naturally develop your skills in handling administrative tasks. These tasks include filling out insurance forms, giving patients an estimate of their expenses, and answering telephones. 

You will need to answer telephones courteously even when you are busy and under pressure. In addition, you will need to learn how to respond to different kinds of questions. You will have to learn how to deliver bad news to a patient’s relative over the phone.

What Are the Other Duties?

Besides taking out and maintaining medical records, you will also be responsible for handling many administrative tasks in the office. 

Your other essential duties include assisting in the preparation of operating rooms, sterilization, and washing the surgical equipment. You will be given a list of the equipment you need to clean and the tools to be sterilized.

The tools will vary according to the procedure. In addition, you will be assigned tasks related to the manufacture and disposal of hazardous waste. You will also be expected to know about the different types of medicines, and you will have to understand how to sanitize your hands properly before you administer a vaccine.

You will need to know what kinds of drugs you will have to administer to a patient, how much to give and when to share it. You will also have to understand how to prepare the medicine, store it, and dispose of it. You will be taught these details in your medical assistant school.


The field of medicine is highly competitive, but there are also areas where you can still find your niche. If you desire to serve the public and have compassion for their needs and difficulties, then a medical assistant career is perfect for you.

You can start your career in this profession by enrolling in Northwest Suburban College. As a medical assistant school, we will give you the necessary skills to succeed, so contact us now for a syllabus. 

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