According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there will be an 18 percent increase in jobs for medical assistants from 2020 to 2030. This is because medical assistants play an important role in helping doctors with their administrative and clinical duties. Their responsibilities include taking down medical histories, checking vital signs, drawing blood from patients, and more.
With these increasing demands for certified medical assistants in the healthcare industry, the next question is, where can you find these jobs so you can apply?
Read on to learn about where you can apply as a medical assistant:
Hospitals operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so medical assistants are assigned at different shifts to work with and assist doctors and hospital staff. You can also be assigned to emergency services, which can help you gain medical experience.
Clinics and Physician Offices
Around 50 percent of medical assistants in the country work in clinics and physician offices. They get the same patients throughout the years, so working in these clinics might be a good idea if you are the type of person who prefers a sense of community.
Pediatric Clinics
Wherever you go, there will always be a need for pediatric care. So whether you apply in a private office or a hospital, you can start your career as a pediatric medical assistant so you can gain more experience before you decide to take on your next career plans. This can also be a great opportunity for you if you have a lot of patience and you personally love working with kids.
Chiropractic Offices
About 4 percent of assistants work in chiropractic offices in the US. And because chiropractic treatment is a specialized medical practice, you will likely see recurring patients, giving you a sense of small community as you help in taking care of them. You may be expected to do more administrative tasks, so you need good organizational and people skills.
Medical Research Facilities
Medical assistants can also thrive in medical facilities that conduct research and clinical trials. Tasks can include administering tests, getting samples for disease diagnosis, and much more. You can even do organizational tasks such as documenting data and data entry of personal information.
Obstetrician-gynecologist Clinics
If you’re more inclined to women’s health, including taking care of pregnant women, then obstetrician-gynecologist (OB-GYN) clinics can be your best option. These clinics often have regular hours as compared to a hospital. And as a medical assistant, you’ll have a lot of responsibilities such as scheduling appointments, answering patients’ questions, keeping patients’ records, and even taking vital signs.
Diagnostic Laboratories
As a medical assistant, you can work in diagnostic laboratories to carry out clinical and diagnostic tests, such as urine, blood, or stool tests. You can also be assigned to help with drug tests, blood tests, CT scans, MRIs, blood sugar tests, thyroid, tests, and hemoglobin tests. In some cases, you may need to be a certified phlebotomist so you can take on all of these responsibilities.
Nursing Homes and Retirement Facilities
Because of the rapidly aging population in the US, medical assistants are in demand in nursing homes and retirement facilities. There is a need for assistance in administering medications, checking vital signs, and giving the necessary injections. In some cases, you can also assist in getting patients around in a wheelchair, helping them in their daily hygiene, and even providing physiotherapy treatments and first aid.
There are a lot of places that medical assistants can apply to as your skills and expertise are needed by most of the population. You can check out the places we’ve mentioned in this article and see if the type of work fits your expectations, skills, and needs.
Northwest Suburban College provides healthcare and medical assistant training for people who want to take a career path in this field. Get started with your training so you can take advantage of the growing employment for medical assistants today!