Student Achievement at NWSC

Outcome Measures (2020/2021)

To succeed, students must persist in their studies throughout the length of their academic program, so the retention of students from one semester to the next is an important indicator of student persistence. Ultimately, if students complete all requirements and achieve the learning goals of the program, then they may graduate.

 Retention Placement Credentialing

Employment and Advanced Study

Students enrolled in NWSC either seek immediate job placement after completing their programs or choose to go on for advanced study. The College provides support from its Career Services office to all students and is proud of its record in helping students find appropriate and rewarding placement.

Student Learning Goals

NWSC has identified clearly its key learning goals for students in each of its programs and systematically assesses student achievement to assure that its goals are being achieved, and uses this data to improve its programs, courses, and teaching techniques. Please see the program pages for key learning goals for each certificate program that NWSC offers.

Assessment of Student Academic Achievement

Assessing student achievement on these goals is an ongoing commitment of NWSC. Results will be published on the website.

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