5 Benefits of Pursuing a Phlebotomy Technician Career

Anyone can aspire for a career in a field of their choice. After all, many areas of study provide a sea of opportunities for any person. One perfect example of this is in the medical field.

The medical field offers many career opportunities because you can be a physician, dentist, surgeon, and so on. There’s another job in the medical field that many often see yet are usually taken for granted: the Phlebotomy Technician (PT).

A phlebotomy technician’s primary job is to take the blood of patients. However, a PT does a lot more than that. Working the job means that compassion and care towards patients must be present, and there should also be an interest regarding how drawing blood can potentially save lives.

It’s a rewarding job, but there are also other benefits to being a Phlebotomy Technician, which we will discuss in this article. Read on below to learn more.

#1 – Quick Training Period

It’s no secret that securing a job in the medical field isn’t easy. However, entering a Phlebotomy Technician certification program is relatively easy and quick because some programs can be as short as 15 weeks.

Another good thing about being a certified PT is that work isn’t hard to find. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the market for PTs is projected to grow up to 2026. In other words, you’ll find job security in being a PT.

#2 – It’s a Well-Paying Job

For an entry-level position, being a phlebotomy technician pays surprisingly well. The average PT can earn up to an average of 35,000 dollars. For higher salary ranges, it can go as high as 49,000 dollars.

#3 – Flexibility

The great thing about phlebotomy certification is that requirements don’t vary by state, meaning you can move around the US if you want to work as a PT in a different place. However, you can’t easily move into California, Louisiana, Nevada, and Washington because you’ll need to be certified first.

You can also choose a schedule that works for you, which is a rare opportunity for medical workers. As opposed to healthcare facilities like a hospital, working as a PT lets you select your own time.

#4 – You Will Never Be Bored

Like any other occupation in the medical field, every day is a new day for a PT. You get to meet new patients every day, and there’s also the possibility of shifts, temporary workplace relocations, and working with other staff as well.

On a related note, being a PT is also fast-paced work, meaning you’ll always have something to do instead of being cooped up from behind a desk the entire workday. You will either walk lab samples to designated drop-offs, retrieve patients from waiting rooms, or talk with co-workers to obtain additional patient information.

#5 – A Better Understanding of Healthcare

Working as a PT means working alongside almost all types of medical professionals. If you’re using your PT occupation to progress in the medical field, you’re already on the right track. Tis is because you get to know many things and have first-hand experiences.


Phlebotomy technicians help medical practitioners gain the necessary insight to go through possible treatment plans by drawing blood. Without a blood sample, any doctor won’t accurately determine what ails a patient and the best course of treatment. This simple yet essential procedure is a valuable skill you can master under the right educational courses.

Northwest Suburban College offers phlebotomy classes in Schaumburg, IL, for anyone who wants to work in the field. Aside from that, we also provide other certifications for dental, medical, and pharmacy assistants. Contact us today to learn more!