Harvard reported that roughly 25 percent of adults have trypanophobia, which is irrational, extreme aversion to blood or needles. They added that this phobia may have caused 16 percent of the population to skip vaccinations. Some even avoid doctors and medical care.
This phobia should compel medical practitioners to take up phlebotomy training. It is excellent that it does not take up so much of your time. If you are already in the medical field, you might want to research phlebotomy classes near you.
Phlebotomists’ Responsibilities
A phlebotomist can be a great entry-level medical career, with job options ranging from drawing blood to working in a lab to test blood samples. The qualifications for each position may vary, but the job is all about drawing blood.
Phlebotomy requires considerable training and medical knowledge. Plus, phlebotomists must be excellent team players to make the most of their careers.
Dealing with Anxious Patients
Many patients do not like needs, but some have an intense phobia. It is why it is you must hone your soft skills. Trypanophobia does not only affect children, but it can also be in adults. As mentioned earlier, this is why medical professionals must learn to deal with patients who have this fear.
Healthcare professionals must take the fear of needles seriously, and minimizing or ignoring it will only prevent patients from seeking medical attention in the future. For those with trypanophobia, the size of the needle does not matter. Their fear is more about the anticipation of pain than about how much pain they will experience.
Finding Veins
Some patients have veins that are easy to see or feel, while others have very difficult to locate. As a result, experienced phlebotomists and nurses may struggle to find a vein and may end up having to stick the patient multiple times. This issue is prevalent among overweight patients.
Answering Difficult Questions
Some patients may ask why they have to undergo these various procedures, including blood tests. As someone who is not a licensed physician, a phlebotomist must remember when to answer questions and when to defer them to the physician responsible for the patient’s care.
A poorly-worded answer can cause undue worry or, worse, undermine advice a physician has already given. Since answering patient questions becomes easier with experience, don’t hesitate to defer to physicians on tough questions early in your career.
HIV and Bloodborne Pathogen Training
Phlebotomist training covers many health and safety concerns regarding bloodborne illnesses. In addition to knowledge regarding how to handle and test blood samples, phlebotomists must stay up to date on the latest research and areas of concern. While physicians diagnose patients, good phlebotomists will have a solid understanding of how to handle blood safely.
However, compassion and sensitivity are skills that cannot be taught in training; it must be learned through experience with HIV-positive patients. Despite improvements in care for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, stigma remains. Phlebotomists must handle patients with HIV with the same care and professionalism as for those who don’t have the disease.
Many people have come to appreciate the efforts of medical professionals. If you want to be part of the solution to this health crisis, you might want to hasten your search for a reputable phlebotomy school.
Northwest Suburban College offers a wide array of medical courses, including a medical technician training program. Call us now to inquire about the curriculum and other admission details.